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Vietnam Veteran Commemoration Ceremony:Honoring Vietnam Veterans and Families in Our Community

CAMP SHELBY, Miss.– The 2008 National Defense Authorization Act (Public Law 110-181 § 598) empowers the Secretary of Defense to conduct a program on behalf of the nation that commemorates the 50thAnniversary of the Vietnam War. By Presidential proclamation the Vietnam Veteran Commemoration extendsfrom Memorial Day 2012 through Veterans Day 2025.

Mississippi has a long history of serving the country when called, and the war in Vietnam was no different. An estimated 227,000 Mississippians answered the call to serve in Vietnam, 12 who are still MIA, and 636 who were mourned as they returned home with the American flag draped over their caskets.

This year’s event will be at the Mississippi Armed Forces Museum, Camp Shelby, April 12, 2023, beginning at 10:00 am. The ceremony will include the Traveling Vietnam Wall, a wreath laying ceremony, and a pinning ceremony. Several federal and state leaders are expected to attend to honor our distinguished guests of honor,approximately 300 of Mississippi’s Vietnam Veterans anticipated for attendance. Lunch will be served for the Vietnam Veterans and their families inside the museum immediately following the ceremony.

The Mississippi National Guard Soldiers and Airmen continue to serve with honor and integrity in diverse missions throughout our state and nation. Thank you for your continued support of the Mississippi National Guard. We are Always Ready, Always There.



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