As crime continues to rise in the area it seems that nothing is off limits in Meridian. Last night around 2:30 am thieves would make their way through the daycare taking up to three hours stealing what they wanted. The criminals gained access into the church building through a window. Once inside, the thieves would leave no stone unturned, doors were kicked in and every drawer rummaged through. TVs and IPads , that are used to teach the children, were taken and along with a few gift cards. For the last month the kids have been collecting dog and cat food for the Lauderdale County Animal Control Shelter in Marion, MS. All of their hard work and efforts was stolen by these thieves. Every ounce of the much needed pet food that was to be presented to Rocky Rockette was taken. The burglary is being investigated by the Meridian Police Department .
This falls in Ward 5 in Meridian, the City Council person is Tyeasha "Ty" Bell Lindsey. If your tired of crime in your area you can reach her by email TyBellLindsey@meridianms.org . To view your city council person in Meridian click here https://www.meridianms.org/government/city-council-agenda-and-minutes/